Rita Antonellicolors and matter are life

Exhibition: "Colore e/è Vita" at Palazzotto of Orta S. Giulio 2016

With over 900 visitors who from August 9th to 14th have participated to my personal of painting held at the Mansion House in Orta San Giulio (NO) Italy.

This is a thought dedicated to all of them!

Below the article from Vimercate's Journal published today September 27th 2016.


Online Store on!

This trailer, made by Else Tear Production, was created for the opening of the shop on

Exhibition "Women for the Women" Bergamo - Frizzoni Palace

I had the pleasure to participate to an exhibition of painting and sculpture held at Archi in Bergamo town, from November 20th to 28th of 2015, entitled "only a small man uses violence against women to feel great."

Below the photo of the my opera presented and created for the exhibition, and the official poster.


From the Magazine ArteCultura

Rita Antonelli, pittrice di una tavolozza dalla materica incisività compositiva corale-paesistica.....Continue...

Vimercate: "Exhibition Forme e Colori" 2013

La collettiva di pittura e scultura tenutasi a Vimercate nel Marzo 2013, ha permesso di presentare al pubblico opere di varia natura dandomi la possibilità di partecipare con due opere materiche ad alto impatto visivo, dove l’uso del colore estremo sopratutto in “Luce Infuocata” ha permesso di esprimere nella sua totalità la forza e il coraggio della luce.

Opera: "Scialuppa Della Speranza"

Not being able to remain indifferent to daily events, this work is the result of a hope that someone will save us.

Opera: "Femme Fleur Escargot" Rivisited

During a visit to the Reina Sofia museum in Madrid I was fascinated by the work of Miro "Escargot, Femme, et Fleur Etoile" I could not resist to reinterpret it as today you can see in the video.

©2018 Else Tear Production